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Summer Environ Skincare Routine

Summer; What a great time of year. Warm and plenty of light.

Here's how to best care for your skin while enjoying the outdoor life style most of us all love during the summer months.

Hopefully you have developed a consistent regular skincare routine of

am - Cleanser, Toner, Moisturiser with Vitamin A, plus Anti-oxidant. Followed by a quality Sunscreen.

pm - Cleanser, Toner, Moisturiser with Vitamin A, plus Anti-oxidant.

In addition to your regular skincare routine additional Sunscreen Environ Alpha Day Lotion should be applied again in the middle of the day if you are outdoors more often. Swimming the great activity of hot summer days is highly encouraged for fun and exercise induced health benefits. After swimming apply another dose of sunscreen on dry skin. Of course you should be wearing a hat and cover any exposed skin. DO NOT PURPOSELY SUN BAKE. You will get enough sun light and importantly Vitamin D from inconsequential sun exposure.

One other recommendation for those long hot summer days is the use of an additional Environ Anti-oxidant gel. If you find your sun exposure is more than usual or more than you are accustomed to you may have a touch of mild sun burn. This will trigger an increased level of free radical damage. Anti-oxidant gel is the go to product for mopping up free radicals that can result in sun damaged skin.

DON'T GET SUN BURNT. If you have the unfortunate experience of getting sun burnt the skin will be red inflamed and sensitive to touch. Environ Colostrum gel has powerful anti-inflammatory properties working quickly to subdue the discomfort of sun burn and help return the skin to a normal look and feel. Apply the Environ Colostrum gel morning and evening until skin returns to its normal appearance.


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